Commit 095101f4 by 何东鹏

Initial commit

parent 016d1301
Showing with 4905 additions and 0 deletions

Too many changes to show.

To preserve performance only 1000 of 1000+ files are displayed.

version: '2'
context: ./db
TZ: Asia/Shanghai
restart: always
container_name: jeecg-boot-mysql
image: jeecg-boot-mysql
- 3306:3306
image: redis:5.0
- 6379:6379
restart: always
hostname: jeecg-boot-redis
container_name: jeecg-boot-redis
context: ./jeecg-module-system/jeecg-system-start
restart: on-failure
- jeecg-boot-mysql
- jeecg-boot-redis
container_name: jeecg-boot-system
image: jeecg-boot-system
hostname: jeecg-boot-system
- 8080:8080
\ No newline at end of file
<project xmlns=""
<!--集成springmvc框架并实现自动配置 -->
<!-- websocket -->
<!--springboot2.3+ 需引入validation对应的包-->
<!-- commons -->
<!-- freemarker -->
<!-- mybatis-plus -->
<!-- druid -->
<!-- 动态数据源 -->
<!-- 数据库驱动 -->
<!-- sqlserver-->
<!-- oracle驱动 -->
<!-- postgresql驱动 -->
<!-- Quartz定时任务 -->
<!-- shiro-redis -->
<!-- knife4j -->
<!-- 代码生成器 -->
<!-- 如下载失败,请参考此文档 -->
<!-- AutoPoi Excel工具类-->
<!-- mini文件存储服务 -->
<!-- 阿里云短信 -->
<!-- aliyun oss -->
<!-- 第三方登录 -->
<!-- 解决okhttp引用了kotlin,应用启动有警告日志问题 -->
\ No newline at end of file
package org.jeecg.common.api;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* 通用api
* @author: jeecg-boot
public interface CommonAPI {
* 1查询用户角色信息
* @param username
* @return
Set<String> queryUserRoles(String username);
* 2查询用户权限信息
* @param username
* @return
Set<String> queryUserAuths(String username);
* 3根据 id 查询数据库中存储的 DynamicDataSourceModel
* @param dbSourceId
* @return
DynamicDataSourceModel getDynamicDbSourceById(String dbSourceId);
* 4根据 code 查询数据库中存储的 DynamicDataSourceModel
* @param dbSourceCode
* @return
DynamicDataSourceModel getDynamicDbSourceByCode(String dbSourceCode);
* 5根据用户账号查询用户信息
* @param username
* @return
public LoginUser getUserByName(String username);
* 6字典表的 翻译
* @param table
* @param text
* @param code
* @param key
* @return
String translateDictFromTable(String table, String text, String code, String key);
* 7普通字典的翻译
* @param code
* @param key
* @return
String translateDict(String code, String key);
* 8查询数据权限
* @param component 组件
* @param username 用户名
* @param requestPath 前段请求地址
* @return
List<SysPermissionDataRuleModel> queryPermissionDataRule(String component, String requestPath, String username);
* 9查询用户信息
* @param username
* @return
SysUserCacheInfo getCacheUser(String username);
* 10获取数据字典
* @param code
* @return
public List<DictModel> queryDictItemsByCode(String code);
* 获取有效的数据字典项
* @param code
* @return
public List<DictModel> queryEnableDictItemsByCode(String code);
* 13获取表数据字典
* @param table
* @param text
* @param code
* @return
List<DictModel> queryTableDictItemsByCode(String table, String text, String code);
* 14 普通字典的翻译,根据多个dictCode和多条数据,多个以逗号分割
* @param dictCodes 例如:user_status,sex
* @param keys 例如:1,2,0
* @return
Map<String, List<DictModel>> translateManyDict(String dictCodes, String keys);
* 15 字典表的 翻译,可批量
* @param table
* @param text
* @param code
* @param keys 多个用逗号分割
* @return
List<DictModel> translateDictFromTableByKeys(String table, String text, String code, String keys);
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto;
import lombok.Data;
* @Author taoYan
* @Date 2022/7/26 14:44
public class DataLogDTO {
private String tableName;
private String dataId;
private String content;
private String type;
public DataLogDTO(){
public DataLogDTO(String tableName, String dataId, String content, String type) {
this.tableName = tableName;
this.dataId = dataId;
this.content = content;
this.type = type;
public DataLogDTO(String tableName, String dataId, String type) {
this.tableName = tableName;
this.dataId = dataId;
this.type = type;
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto;
import lombok.Data;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
* 文件下载
* cloud api 用到的接口传输对象
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class FileDownDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 6749126258686446019L;
private String filePath;
private String uploadpath;
private String uploadType;
private HttpServletResponse response;
public FileDownDTO(){}
public FileDownDTO(String filePath, String uploadpath, String uploadType,HttpServletResponse response){
this.filePath = filePath;
this.uploadpath = uploadpath;
this.uploadType = uploadType;
this.response = response;
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto;
import lombok.Data;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
* 文件上传
* cloud api 用到的接口传输对象
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class FileUploadDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4111953058578954386L;
private MultipartFile file;
private String bizPath;
private String uploadType;
private String customBucket;
public FileUploadDTO(){
* 简单上传 构造器1
* @param file
* @param bizPath
* @param uploadType
public FileUploadDTO(MultipartFile file,String bizPath,String uploadType){
this.file = file;
this.bizPath = bizPath;
this.uploadType = uploadType;
* 申明桶 文件上传 构造器2
* @param file
* @param bizPath
* @param uploadType
* @param customBucket
public FileUploadDTO(MultipartFile file,String bizPath,String uploadType,String customBucket){
this.file = file;
this.bizPath = bizPath;
this.uploadType = uploadType;
this.customBucket = customBucket;
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto;
import lombok.Data;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.LoginUser;
import java.util.Date;
* 日志对象
* cloud api 用到的接口传输对象
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class LogDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8482720462943906924L;
private String logContent;
/**日志类型(0:操作日志;1:登录日志;2:定时任务) */
private Integer logType;
/**操作类型(1:添加;2:修改;3:删除;) */
private Integer operateType;
/**登录用户 */
private LoginUser loginUser;
private String id;
private String createBy;
private Date createTime;
private Long costTime;
private String ip;
/**请求参数 */
private String requestParam;
private String requestType;
private String requestUrl;
/**请求方法 */
private String method;
private String username;
private String userid;
public LogDTO(){
public LogDTO(String logContent, Integer logType, Integer operatetype){
this.logContent = logContent;
this.logType = logType;
this.operateType = operatetype;
public LogDTO(String logContent, Integer logType, Integer operatetype, LoginUser loginUser){
this.logContent = logContent;
this.logType = logType;
this.operateType = operatetype;
this.loginUser = loginUser;
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto;
import lombok.Data;
import java.util.List;
* online 拦截器权限判断
* cloud api 用到的接口传输对象
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class OnlineAuthDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1771827545416418203L;
* 用户名
private String username;
* 可能的请求地址
private List<String> possibleUrl;
* online开发的菜单地址
private String onlineFormUrl;
public OnlineAuthDTO(){
public OnlineAuthDTO(String username, List<String> possibleUrl, String onlineFormUrl){
this.username = username;
this.possibleUrl = possibleUrl;
this.onlineFormUrl = onlineFormUrl;
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto.message;
import lombok.Data;
* 带业务参数的消息
* @author: taoyan
* @date: 2022/8/17
public class BusMessageDTO extends MessageDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 9104793287983367669L;
* 业务类型
private String busType;
* 业务id
private String busId;
public BusMessageDTO(){
* 构造 带业务参数的消息
* @param fromUser
* @param toUser
* @param title
* @param msgContent
* @param msgCategory
* @param busType
* @param busId
public BusMessageDTO(String fromUser, String toUser, String title, String msgContent, String msgCategory, String busType, String busId){
super(fromUser, toUser, title, msgContent, msgCategory);
this.busId = busId;
this.busType = busType;
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto.message;
import lombok.Data;
import java.util.Map;
* 带业务参数的模板消息
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class BusTemplateMessageDTO extends TemplateMessageDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4277810906346929459L;
* 业务类型
private String busType;
* 业务id
private String busId;
public BusTemplateMessageDTO(){
* 构造 带业务参数的模板消息
* @param fromUser
* @param toUser
* @param title
* @param templateParam
* @param templateCode
* @param busType
* @param busId
public BusTemplateMessageDTO(String fromUser, String toUser, String title, Map<String, String> templateParam, String templateCode, String busType, String busId){
super(fromUser, toUser, title, templateParam, templateCode);
this.busId = busId;
this.busType = busType;
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto.message;
import lombok.Data;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.CommonConstant;
import java.util.Map;
* 普通消息
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class MessageDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5690444483968058442L;
* 发送人(用户登录账户)
protected String fromUser;
* 发送给(用户登录账户)
protected String toUser;
* 发送给所有人
protected Boolean toAll;
* 消息主题
protected String title;
* 消息内容
protected String content;
* 消息类型 1:消息 2:系统消息
protected String category;
//update-begin---author:taoyan ---date:20220705 for:支持自定义推送类型,邮件、钉钉、企业微信、系统消息-----------
* 模板消息对应的模板编码
protected String templateCode;
* 消息类型:org.jeecg.common.constant.enums.MessageTypeEnum
* XT("system", "系统消息")
* YJ("email", "邮件消息")
* DD("dingtalk", "钉钉消息")
* QYWX("wechat_enterprise", "企业微信")
protected String type;
* 是否发送Markdown格式的消息
protected boolean isMarkdown;
* 解析模板内容 对应的数据
protected Map<String, Object> data;
//update-end---author:taoyan ---date::20220705 for:支持自定义推送类型,邮件、钉钉、企业微信、系统消息-----------
public MessageDTO(){
* 构造器1 系统消息
public MessageDTO(String fromUser,String toUser,String title, String content){
this.fromUser = fromUser;
this.toUser = toUser;
this.title = title;
this.content = content;
//默认 都是2系统消息
this.category = CommonConstant.MSG_CATEGORY_2;
* 构造器2 支持设置category 1:消息 2:系统消息
public MessageDTO(String fromUser,String toUser,String title, String content, String category){
this.fromUser = fromUser;
this.toUser = toUser;
this.title = title;
this.content = content;
this.category = category;
public boolean isMarkdown() {
return this.isMarkdown;
public void setIsMarkdown(boolean isMarkdown) {
this.isMarkdown = isMarkdown;
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto.message;
import lombok.Data;
import java.util.Map;
* 消息模板dto
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class TemplateDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5848247133907528650L;
* 模板编码
protected String templateCode;
* 模板参数
protected Map<String, String> templateParam;
* 构造器 通过设置模板参数和模板编码 作为参数获取消息内容
public TemplateDTO(String templateCode, Map<String, String> templateParam){
this.templateCode = templateCode;
this.templateParam = templateParam;
public TemplateDTO(){
package org.jeecg.common.api.dto.message;
import lombok.Data;
import java.util.Map;
* 模板消息
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class TemplateMessageDTO extends TemplateDTO implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 411137565170647585L;
* 发送人(用户登录账户)
protected String fromUser;
* 发送给(用户登录账户)
protected String toUser;
* 消息主题
protected String title;
public TemplateMessageDTO(){
* 构造器1 发模板消息用
public TemplateMessageDTO(String fromUser, String toUser,String title, Map<String, String> templateParam, String templateCode){
super(templateCode, templateParam);
this.fromUser = fromUser;
this.toUser = toUser;
this.title = title;
package org.jeecg.common.api.vo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.CommonConstant;
* 接口返回数据格式
* @author scott
* @email
* @date 2019年1月19日
@ApiModel(value="接口返回对象", description="接口返回对象")
public class Result<T> implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 成功标志
@ApiModelProperty(value = "成功标志")
private boolean success = true;
* 返回处理消息
@ApiModelProperty(value = "返回处理消息")
private String message = "";
* 返回代码
@ApiModelProperty(value = "返回代码")
private Integer code = 0;
* 返回数据对象 data
@ApiModelProperty(value = "返回数据对象")
private T result;
* 时间戳
@ApiModelProperty(value = "时间戳")
private long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
public Result() {
* 兼容VUE3版token失效不跳转登录页面
* @param code
* @param message
public Result(Integer code, String message) {
this.code = code;
this.message = message;
public Result<T> success(String message) {
this.message = message;
this.code = CommonConstant.SC_OK_200;
this.success = true;
return this;
public static<T> Result<T> ok() {
Result<T> r = new Result<T>();
return r;
public static<T> Result<T> ok(String msg) {
Result<T> r = new Result<T>();
//Result OK(String msg)方法会造成兼容性问题 issues/I4IP3D
r.setResult((T) msg);
return r;
public static<T> Result<T> ok(T data) {
Result<T> r = new Result<T>();
return r;
public static<T> Result<T> OK() {
Result<T> r = new Result<T>();
return r;
* 此方法是为了兼容升级所创建
* @param msg
* @param <T>
* @return
public static<T> Result<T> OK(String msg) {
Result<T> r = new Result<T>();
//Result OK(String msg)方法会造成兼容性问题 issues/I4IP3D
r.setResult((T) msg);
return r;
public static<T> Result<T> OK(T data) {
Result<T> r = new Result<T>();
return r;
public static<T> Result<T> OK(String msg, T data) {
Result<T> r = new Result<T>();
return r;
public static<T> Result<T> error(String msg, T data) {
Result<T> r = new Result<T>();
return r;
public static<T> Result<T> error(String msg) {
return error(CommonConstant.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500, msg);
public static<T> Result<T> error(int code, String msg) {
Result<T> r = new Result<T>();
return r;
public Result<T> error500(String message) {
this.message = message;
this.code = CommonConstant.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR_500;
this.success = false;
return this;
* 无权限访问返回结果
public static<T> Result<T> noauth(String msg) {
return error(CommonConstant.SC_JEECG_NO_AUTHZ, msg);
private String onlTable;
\ No newline at end of file
package org.jeecg.common.aspect;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.MethodSignature;
import org.jeecg.common.api.CommonAPI;
import org.jeecg.common.aspect.annotation.PermissionData;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.CommonConstant;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.SymbolConstant;
import org.jeecg.common.system.query.QueryRuleEnum;
import org.jeecg.common.system.util.JeecgDataAutorUtils;
import org.jeecg.common.system.util.JwtUtil;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.SysPermissionDataRuleModel;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.SysUserCacheInfo;
import org.jeecg.common.util.SpringContextUtils;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
* 数据权限切面处理类
* 当被请求的方法有注解PermissionData时,会在往当前request中写入数据权限信息
* @Date 2019年4月10日
* @Version: 1.0
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class PermissionDataAspect {
private CommonAPI commonApi;
private static final String SPOT_DO = ".do";
public void pointCut() {
public Object arround(ProceedingJoinPoint point) throws Throwable{
HttpServletRequest request = SpringContextUtils.getHttpServletRequest();
MethodSignature signature = (MethodSignature) point.getSignature();
Method method = signature.getMethod();
PermissionData pd = method.getAnnotation(PermissionData.class);
String component = pd.pageComponent();
String requestMethod = request.getMethod();
String requestPath = request.getRequestURI().substring(request.getContextPath().length());
requestPath = filterUrl(requestPath);
//update-begin-author:taoyan date:20211027 for:JTC-132【online报表权限】online报表带参数的菜单配置数据权限无效
// TODO 参数顺序调整有隐患
// 获取地址栏参数
String urlParamString = request.getParameter(CommonConstant.ONL_REP_URL_PARAM_STR);
//update-end-author:taoyan date:20211027 for:JTC-132【online报表权限】online报表带参数的菜单配置数据权限无效"拦截请求 >> {} ; 请求类型 >> {} . ", requestPath, requestMethod);
String username = JwtUtil.getUserNameByToken(request);
//TODO 微服务情况下也得支持缓存机制
List<SysPermissionDataRuleModel> dataRules = commonApi.queryPermissionDataRule(component, requestPath, username);
if(dataRules!=null && dataRules.size()>0) {
JeecgDataAutorUtils.installDataSearchConditon(request, dataRules);
//TODO 微服务情况下也得支持缓存机制
SysUserCacheInfo userinfo = commonApi.getCacheUser(username);
JeecgDataAutorUtils.installUserInfo(request, userinfo);
return point.proceed();
private String filterUrl(String requestPath){
String url = "";
url = requestPath.replace("\\", "/");
url = url.replace("//", "/");
url = filterUrl(url);
return url;
* 获取请求地址
* @param request
* @return
private String getJgAuthRequsetPath(HttpServletRequest request) {
String queryString = request.getQueryString();
String requestPath = request.getRequestURI();
requestPath += "?" + queryString;
// 去掉其他参数(保留一个参数) 例如
if (requestPath.indexOf(SymbolConstant.AND) > -1) {
requestPath = requestPath.substring(0, requestPath.indexOf("&"));
requestPath = requestPath.substring(0,requestPath.indexOf(".do")+3);
requestPath = requestPath.substring(0,requestPath.indexOf("?"));
// 去掉项目路径
requestPath = requestPath.substring(request.getContextPath().length() + 1);
return filterUrl(requestPath);
private boolean moHuContain(List<String> list,String key){
for(String str : list){
return true;
return false;
package org.jeecg.common.aspect;
* @Author scott
* @Date 2020/1/14 13:36
* @Description: 请求URL与菜单路由URL转换规则(方便于采用菜单路由URL来配置数据权限规则)
public enum UrlMatchEnum {
/**求URL与菜单路由URL转换规则 /online/cgform/api/getData/ */
CGFORM_DATA("/online/cgform/api/getData/", "/online/cgformList/"),
/**求URL与菜单路由URL转换规则 /online/cgform/api/exportXls/ */
CGFORM_EXCEL_DATA("/online/cgform/api/exportXls/", "/online/cgformList/"),
/**求URL与菜单路由URL转换规则 /online/cgform/api/getTreeData/ */
CGFORM_TREE_DATA("/online/cgform/api/getTreeData/", "/online/cgformList/"),
/**求URL与菜单路由URL转换规则 /online/cgreport/api/getColumnsAndData/ */
CGREPORT_DATA("/online/cgreport/api/getColumnsAndData/", "/online/cgreport/"),
/**求URL与菜单路由URL转换规则 /online/cgreport/api/exportXls/ */
CGREPORT_EXCEL_DATA("/online/cgreport/api/exportXls/", "/online/cgreport/"),
/**求URL与菜单路由URL转换规则 /online/cgreport/api/exportManySheetXls/ */
CGREPORT_EXCEL_DATA2("/online/cgreport/api/exportManySheetXls/", "/online/cgreport/");
UrlMatchEnum(String url, String matchUrl) {
this.url = url;
this.matchUrl = matchUrl;
* Request 请求 URL前缀
private String url;
* 菜单路由 URL前缀 (对应菜单路径)
private String matchUrl;
* 根据req url 获取到菜单配置路径(前端页面路由URL)
* @param url
* @return
public static String getMatchResultByUrl(String url) {
UrlMatchEnum[] values = UrlMatchEnum.values();
for (UrlMatchEnum lr : values) {
if (url.indexOf(lr.url) != -1) {
return url.replace(lr.url, lr.matchUrl);
return null;
public String getMatchUrl() {
return matchUrl;
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// /**
// * 比如request真实请求URL: /online/cgform/api/getData/81fcf7d8922d45069b0d5ba983612d3a
// * 转换匹配路由URL后(对应配置的菜单路径):/online/cgformList/81fcf7d8922d45069b0d5ba983612d3a
// */
// System.out.println(UrlMatchEnum.getMatchResultByUrl("/online/cgform/api/getData/81fcf7d8922d45069b0d5ba983612d3a"));
// }
\ No newline at end of file
package org.jeecg.common.aspect.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
* 通过此注解声明的接口,自动实现字典翻译
* @Author scott
* @email
* @Date 2022年01月05日
public @interface AutoDict {
* 暂时无用
* @return
String value() default "";
package org.jeecg.common.aspect.annotation;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.CommonConstant;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.enums.ModuleType;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
* 系统日志注解
* @Author scott
* @email
* @Date 2019年1月14日
public @interface AutoLog {
* 日志内容
* @return
String value() default "";
* 日志类型
* @return 0:操作日志;1:登录日志;2:定时任务;
int logType() default CommonConstant.LOG_TYPE_2;
* 操作日志类型
* @return (1查询,2添加,3修改,4删除)
int operateType() default 0;
* 模块类型 默认为common
* @return
ModuleType module() default ModuleType.COMMON;
package org.jeecg.common.aspect.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.enums.LowAppAopEnum;
* 自动注入low_app_id
* @Author scott
* @email
* @Date 2022年01月05日
public @interface AutoLowApp {
* 切面类型(add、delete、db_import等其他操作)
* @return
LowAppAopEnum action();
* 业务类型(cgform等)
* @return
String bizType();
package org.jeecg.common.aspect.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* 字典注解
* @author: dangzhenghui
* @date: 2019年03月17日-下午9:37:16
public @interface Dict {
* 方法描述: 数据code
* 作 者: dangzhenghui
* 日 期: 2019年03月17日-下午9:37:16
* @return 返回类型: String
String dicCode();
* 方法描述: 数据Text
* 作 者: dangzhenghui
* 日 期: 2019年03月17日-下午9:37:16
* @return 返回类型: String
String dicText() default "";
* 方法描述: 数据字典表
* 作 者: dangzhenghui
* 日 期: 2019年03月17日-下午9:37:16
* @return 返回类型: String
String dictTable() default "";
package org.jeecg.common.aspect.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
* 动态table切换
* @author :zyf
* @date:2020-04-25
public @interface DynamicTable {
* 需要动态解析的表名
* @return
String value();
package org.jeecg.common.aspect.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
* online请求拦截专用注解
* @author: jeecg-boot
public @interface OnlineAuth {
* 请求关键字,在xxx/code之前的字符串
* @return
String value();
package org.jeecg.common.aspect.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.Documented;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
* 数据权限注解
* @Author taoyan
* @Date 2019年4月11日
public @interface PermissionData {
* 暂时没用
* @return
String value() default "";
* 配置菜单的组件路径,用于数据权限
String pageComponent() default "";
\ No newline at end of file
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
* 系统通告 - 发布状态
* @Author LeeShaoQing
public interface CommonSendStatus {
* 未发布
public static final String UNPUBLISHED_STATUS_0 = "0";
* 已发布
public static final String PUBLISHED_STATUS_1 = "1";
* 撤销
public static final String REVOKE_STATUS_2 = "2";
* app端推送会话标识后缀
public static final String APP_SESSION_SUFFIX = "_app";
public static final String TZMB_BPM_CUIBAN = "bpm_cuiban";
public static final String TZMB_BPM_CUIBAN_EMAIL = "bpm_cuiban_email";
public static final String TZMB_SYS_TS_NOTE = "sys_ts_note";
public static final String TZMB_BPM_CHAOSHI_TIP = "bpm_chaoshi_tip";
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
* 数据库上下文常量
* @author: jeecg-boot
public interface DataBaseConstant {
public static final String DB_TYPE_MYSQL = "MYSQL";
/** ORACLE*/
public static final String DB_TYPE_ORACLE = "ORACLE";
public static final String DB_TYPE_DM = "DM";
public static final String DB_TYPE_POSTGRESQL = "POSTGRESQL";
public static final String DB_TYPE_SQLSERVER = "SQLSERVER";
/**mariadb 数据库*/
public static final String DB_TYPE_MARIADB = "MARIADB";
/**DB2 数据库*/
public static final String DB_TYPE_DB2 = "DB2";
/**HSQL 数据库*/
public static final String DB_TYPE_HSQL = "HSQL";
// // 数据库类型,对应 database_type 字典
// public static final String DB_TYPE_MYSQL_NUM = "1";
// public static final String DB_TYPE_MYSQL7_NUM = "6";
// public static final String DB_TYPE_ORACLE_NUM = "2";
// public static final String DB_TYPE_SQLSERVER_NUM = "3";
// public static final String DB_TYPE_POSTGRESQL_NUM = "4";
// public static final String DB_TYPE_MARIADB_NUM = "5";
* 数据-所属机构编码
public static final String SYS_ORG_CODE = "sysOrgCode";
* 数据-所属机构编码
public static final String SYS_ORG_CODE_TABLE = "sys_org_code";
* 数据-所属机构编码
public static final String SYS_MULTI_ORG_CODE = "sysMultiOrgCode";
* 数据-所属机构编码
public static final String SYS_MULTI_ORG_CODE_TABLE = "sys_multi_org_code";
* 数据-系统用户编码(对应登录用户账号)
public static final String SYS_USER_CODE = "sysUserCode";
* 数据-系统用户编码(对应登录用户账号)
public static final String SYS_USER_CODE_TABLE = "sys_user_code";
* 登录用户真实姓名
public static final String SYS_USER_NAME = "sysUserName";
* 登录用户真实姓名
public static final String SYS_USER_NAME_TABLE = "sys_user_name";
* 系统日期"yyyy-MM-dd"
public static final String SYS_DATE = "sysDate";
* 系统日期"yyyy-MM-dd"
public static final String SYS_DATE_TABLE = "sys_date";
* 系统时间"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
public static final String SYS_TIME = "sysTime";
* 系统时间"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
public static final String SYS_TIME_TABLE = "sys_time";
* 数据-所属机构编码
public static final String SYS_BASE_PATH = "sys_base_path";
* 创建者登录名称
public static final String CREATE_BY_TABLE = "create_by";
* 创建者登录名称
public static final String CREATE_BY = "createBy";
* 创建日期时间
public static final String CREATE_TIME_TABLE = "create_time";
* 创建日期时间
public static final String CREATE_TIME = "createTime";
* 更新用户登录名称
public static final String UPDATE_BY_TABLE = "update_by";
* 更新用户登录名称
public static final String UPDATE_BY = "updateBy";
* 更新日期时间
public static final String UPDATE_TIME = "updateTime";
* 更新日期时间
public static final String UPDATE_TIME_TABLE = "update_time";
* 业务流程状态
public static final String BPM_STATUS = "bpmStatus";
* 业务流程状态
public static final String BPM_STATUS_TABLE = "bpm_status";
* 租户ID 实体字段名
String TENANT_ID = "tenantId";
* 租户ID 数据库字段名
String TENANT_ID_TABLE = "tenant_id";
* sql语句 where
String SQL_WHERE = "where";
* sql语句 asc
String SQL_ASC = "asc";
* sqlserver数据库,中间有空格
String DB_TYPE_SQL_SERVER_BLANK = "sql server";
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
* 动态切换表配置常量
* @author: scott
* @date: 2022年04月25日 22:30
public class DynamicTableConstant {
* 角色首页配置表
* vue2表名: sys_role_index
* vue3表名: sys_role_index_vue3
public static final String SYS_ROLE_INDEX = "sys_role_index";
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
* 规则值生成 编码常量类
* @author: taoyan
* @date: 2020年04月02日
public class FillRuleConstant {
* 公文发文编码
public static final String DOC_SEND = "doc_send_code";
* 部门编码
public static final String DEPART = "org_num_role";
* 分类字典编码
public static final String CATEGORY = "category_code_rule";
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.List;
* @Description: 省市区
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class ProvinceCityArea {
List<Area> areaList;
public String getText(String code){
if(this.areaList!=null || this.areaList.size()>0){
List<String> ls = new ArrayList<String>();
return String.join("/",ls);
return "";
public String getCode(String text){
if(areaList!=null && areaList.size()>0){
for(int i=areaList.size()-1;i>=0;i--){
//update-begin-author:taoyan date:2022-5-24 for:VUEN-1088 online 导入 省市区导入后 导入数据错乱 北京市/市辖区/西城区-->山西省/晋城市/城区
String areaText = areaList.get(i).getText();
String cityText = areaList.get(i).getAheadText();
if(text.indexOf(areaText)>=0 && (cityText!=null && text.indexOf(cityText)>=0)){
return areaList.get(i).getId();
//update-end-author:taoyan date:2022-5-24 for:VUEN-1088 online 导入 省市区导入后 导入数据错乱 北京市/市辖区/西城区-->山西省/晋城市/城区
return null;
// update-begin-author:sunjianlei date:20220121 for:【JTC-704】数据导入错误 省市区组件,文件中为北京市,导入后,导为了山西省
* 获取省市区code,精准匹配
* @param texts 文本数组,省,市,区
* @return 返回 省市区的code
public String[] getCode(String[] texts) {
if (texts == null || texts.length == 0) {
return null;
if (areaList == null || areaList.size() == 0) {
return null;
String[] codes = new String[texts.length];
String code = null;
for (int i = 0; i < texts.length; i++) {
String text = texts[i];
Area area;
if (code == null) {
area = getAreaByText(text);
} else {
area = getAreaByPidAndText(code, text);
if (area != null) {
code =;
codes[i] = code;
} else {
return null;
return codes;
* 根据text获取area
* @param text
* @return
public Area getAreaByText(String text) {
for (Area area : areaList) {
if (text.equals(area.getText())) {
return area;
return null;
* 通过pid获取 area 对象
* @param pCode 父级编码
* @param text
* @return
public Area getAreaByPidAndText(String pCode, String text) {
if (this.areaList != null && this.areaList.size() > 0) {
for (Area area : this.areaList) {
if (area.getPid().equals(pCode) && area.getText().equals(text)) {
return area;
return null;
// update-end-author:sunjianlei date:20220121 for:【JTC-704】数据导入错误 省市区组件,文件中为北京市,导入后,导为了山西省
public void getAreaByCode(String code,List<String> ls){
for(Area area: areaList){
String pid = area.getPid();
private void initAreaList(){
if(this.areaList==null || this.areaList.size()==0){
this.areaList = new ArrayList<Area>();
try {
String jsonData = oConvertUtils.readStatic("classpath:static/pca.json");
JSONObject baseJson = JSONObject.parseObject(jsonData);
//第一层 省
JSONObject provinceJson = baseJson.getJSONObject("86");
for(String provinceKey: provinceJson.keySet()){
Area province = new Area(provinceKey,provinceJson.getString(provinceKey),"86");
//第二层 市
JSONObject cityJson = baseJson.getJSONObject(provinceKey);
for(String cityKey:cityJson.keySet()){
Area city = new Area(cityKey,cityJson.getString(cityKey),provinceKey);
//第三层 区
JSONObject areaJson = baseJson.getJSONObject(cityKey);
for(String areaKey:areaJson.keySet()){
Area area = new Area(areaKey,areaJson.getString(areaKey),cityKey);
//update-begin-author:taoyan date:2022-5-24 for:VUEN-1088 online 导入 省市区导入后 导入数据错乱 北京市/市辖区/西城区-->山西省/晋城市/城区
//update-end-author:taoyan date:2022-5-24 for:VUEN-1088 online 导入 省市区导入后 导入数据错乱 北京市/市辖区/西城区-->山西省/晋城市/城区
} catch (Exception e) {
private String jsonRead(File file){
Scanner scanner = null;
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
try {
scanner = new Scanner(file, "utf-8");
while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
if (scanner != null) {
return buffer.toString();
class Area{
String id;
String text;
String pid;
// 用于存储上级文本数据,区的上级文本 是市的数据
String aheadText;
public Area(String id,String text,String pid){ = id;
this.text = text; = pid;
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getText() {
return text;
public String getPid() {
return pid;
public String getAheadText() {
return aheadText;
public void setAheadText(String aheadText) {
this.aheadText = aheadText;
* * Copyright (c) 2019-2020, 冷冷 (
* * <p>
* * Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0 (the "License");
* * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* * You may obtain a copy of the License at
* * <p>
* *
* * <p>
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* * limitations under the License.
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
* @author scott
* @date 2019年05月18日
* 服务名称
public interface ServiceNameConstants {
* 微服务名:系统管理模块
String SERVICE_SYSTEM = "jeecg-system";
* 微服务名: demo模块
String SERVICE_DEMO = "jeecg-demo";
* gateway通过header传递根路径 basePath
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
* @Description: 符号和特殊符号常用类
* @author: wangshuai
* @date: 2022年03月30日 17:44
public class SymbolConstant {
* 符号:点
public static final String SPOT = ".";
* 符号:双斜杠
public static final String DOUBLE_BACKSLASH = "\\";
* 符号:冒号
public static final String COLON = ":";
* 符号:逗号
public static final String COMMA = ",";
* 符号:左花括号 }
public static final String LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET = "{";
* 符号:右花括号 }
public static final String RIGHT_CURLY_BRACKET = "}";
* 符号:井号 #
public static final String WELL_NUMBER = "#";
* 符号:单斜杠
public static final String SINGLE_SLASH = "/";
* 符号:双斜杠
public static final String DOUBLE_SLASH = "//";
* 符号:感叹号
public static final String EXCLAMATORY_MARK = "!";
* 符号:下划线
public static final String UNDERLINE = "_";
* 符号:单引号
public static final String SINGLE_QUOTATION_MARK = "'";
* 符号:星号
public static final String ASTERISK = "*";
* 符号:百分号
public static final String PERCENT_SIGN = "%";
* 符号:美元 $
public static final String DOLLAR = "$";
* 符号:和 &
public static final String AND = "&";
* 符号:../
public static final String SPOT_SINGLE_SLASH = "../";
* 符号:..\\
public static final String SPOT_DOUBLE_BACKSLASH = "..\\";
* 系统变量前缀 #{
public static final String SYS_VAR_PREFIX = "#{";
* 符号 {{
public static final String DOUBLE_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET = "{{";
* 符号:[
public static final String SQUARE_BRACKETS_LEFT = "[";
* 符号:]
public static final String SQUARE_BRACKETS_RIGHT = "]";
\ No newline at end of file
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
* @Description: TenantConstant
* @author: scott
* @date: 2022年08月29日 15:29
public interface TenantConstant {
* 应用ID——表字段
String DB_FIELD_LOW_APP_ID = "low_app_id";
* 应用ID——实体字段
String FIELD_LOW_APP_ID = "lowAppId";
* 租户ID
String TENANT_ID = "tenantId";
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
* VXESocket 常量
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class VxeSocketConst {
* 消息类型
public static final String TYPE = "type";
* 消息数据
public static final String DATA = "data";
* 消息类型:心跳检测
public static final String TYPE_HB = "heart_beat";
* 消息类型:通用数据传递
public static final String TYPE_CSD = "common_send_date";
* 消息类型:更新vxe table数据
public static final String TYPE_UVT = "update_vxe_table";
package org.jeecg.common.constant;
* @Description: Websocket常量类
* @author: taoyan
* @date: 2020年03月23日
public class WebsocketConst {
* 消息json key:cmd
public static final String MSG_CMD = "cmd";
* 消息json key:msgId
public static final String MSG_ID = "msgId";
* 消息json key:msgTxt
public static final String MSG_TXT = "msgTxt";
* 消息json key:userId
public static final String MSG_USER_ID = "userId";
* 消息json key:chat
public static final String MSG_CHAT = "chat";
* 消息类型 heartcheck
public static final String CMD_CHECK = "heartcheck";
* 消息类型 user 用户消息
public static final String CMD_USER = "user";
* 消息类型 topic 系统通知
public static final String CMD_TOPIC = "topic";
* 消息类型 email
public static final String CMD_EMAIL = "email";
* 消息类型 meetingsign 会议签到
public static final String CMD_SIGN = "sign";
* 消息类型 新闻发布/取消
public static final String NEWS_PUBLISH = "publish";
package org.jeecg.common.constant.enums;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* online表单枚举 代码生成器用到
* @author: jeecg-boot
public enum CgformEnum {
* 单表
ONE(1, "one", "/jeecg/code-template-online", "", "经典风格", new String[]{"vue3","vue","vue3Native"}),
* 多表
MANY(2, "many", "/jeecg/code-template-online", "default.onetomany", "经典风格" ,new String[]{"vue"}),
* 多表(jvxe风格)
* */
JVXE_TABLE(2, "jvxe", "/jeecg/code-template-online", "jvxe.onetomany", "JVXE风格" ,new String[]{"vue3","vue","vue3Native"}),
* 多表 (erp风格)
ERP(2, "erp", "/jeecg/code-template-online", "erp.onetomany", "ERP风格" ,new String[]{"vue3","vue"}),
* 多表(内嵌子表风格)
INNER_TABLE(2, "innerTable", "/jeecg/code-template-online", "inner-table.onetomany", "内嵌子表风格" ,new String[]{"vue3","vue"}),
* 多表(tab风格)
* */
TAB(2, "tab", "/jeecg/code-template-online", "tab.onetomany", "Tab风格" ,new String[]{"vue3","vue"}),
* 树形列表
TREE(3, "tree", "/jeecg/code-template-online", "default.tree", "树形列表" ,new String[]{"vue3","vue","vue3Native"});
* 类型 1/单表 2/一对多 3/树
int type;
* 编码标识
String code;
* 代码生成器模板路径
String templatePath;
* 代码生成器模板路径
String stylePath;
* 模板风格名称
String note;
* 支持代码风格 vue3:vue3包装代码 vue3Native:vue3原生代码 vue:vue2代码
String[] vueStyle;
* 构造器
* @param type 类型 1/单表 2/一对多 3/树
* @param code 模板编码
* @param templatePath 模板路径
* @param stylePath 模板子路径
* @param note
* @param vueStyle 支持代码风格
CgformEnum(int type, String code, String templatePath, String stylePath, String note, String[] vueStyle) {
this.type = type;
this.code = code;
this.templatePath = templatePath;
this.stylePath = stylePath;
this.note = note;
this.vueStyle = vueStyle;
* 根据code获取模板路径
* @param code
* @return
public static String getTemplatePathByConfig(String code) {
return getCgformEnumByConfig(code).templatePath;
public int getType() {
return type;
public void setType(int type) {
this.type = type;
public String getTemplatePath() {
return templatePath;
public void setTemplatePath(String templatePath) {
this.templatePath = templatePath;
public String getStylePath() {
return stylePath;
public void setStylePath(String stylePath) {
this.stylePath = stylePath;
public String[] getVueStyle() {
return vueStyle;
public void setVueStyle(String[] vueStyle) {
this.vueStyle = vueStyle;
* 根据code找枚举
* @param code
* @return
public static CgformEnum getCgformEnumByConfig(String code) {
for (CgformEnum e : CgformEnum.values()) {
if (e.code.equals(code)) {
return e;
return null;
* 根据类型找所有
* @param type
* @return
public static List<Map<String, Object>> getJspModelList(int type) {
List<Map<String, Object>> ls = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
for (CgformEnum e : CgformEnum.values()) {
if (e.type == type) {
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
map.put("code", e.code);
map.put("note", e.note);
return ls;
package org.jeecg.common.constant.enums;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
* 文件类型
public enum FileTypeEnum {
// 文档类型(folder:文件夹 excel:excel doc:word pp:ppt image:图片 archive:其他文档 video:视频)
private String type;
private String value;
private String text;
private FileTypeEnum(String type,String value,String text){
this.type = type;
this.value = value;
this.text = text;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getText() {
return text;
public void setText(String text) {
this.text = text;
public static FileTypeEnum getByType(String type){
if (oConvertUtils.isEmpty(type)) {
return null;
for (FileTypeEnum val : values()) {
if (val.getType().equals(type)) {
return val;
return null;
package org.jeecg.common.constant.enums;
* LowApp 切面注解枚举
* @date 2022-1-5
* @author: jeecg-boot
public enum LowAppAopEnum {
* 新增方法
* 删除方法(包含单个和批量删除)
/** 复制表单操作 */
* Online表单专用:数据库表转Online表单
package org.jeecg.common.constant.enums;
import org.jeecg.common.system.annotation.EnumDict;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.DictModel;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* 消息类型
* @author: jeecg-boot
public enum MessageTypeEnum {
/** 系统消息 */
XT("system", "系统消息"),
/** 邮件消息 */
YJ("email", "邮件消息"),
/** 钉钉消息 */
DD("dingtalk", "钉钉消息"),
/** 企业微信 */
QYWX("wechat_enterprise", "企业微信");
MessageTypeEnum(String type, String note){
this.type = type;
this.note = note;
* 消息类型
String type;
* 类型说明
String note;
public String getNote() {
return note;
public void setNote(String note) {
this.note = note;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
* 获取字典数据
* @return
public static List<DictModel> getDictList(){
List<DictModel> list = new ArrayList<>();
DictModel dictModel = null;
for(MessageTypeEnum e: MessageTypeEnum.values()){
dictModel = new DictModel();
return list;
* 根据type获取枚举
* @param type
* @return
public static MessageTypeEnum valueOfType(String type) {
for (MessageTypeEnum e : MessageTypeEnum.values()) {
if (e.getType().equals(type)) {
return e;
return null;
package org.jeecg.common.constant.enums;
* 日志按模块分类
* @author: jeecg-boot
public enum ModuleType {
* 普通
* online
package org.jeecg.common.constant.enums;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.CommonConstant;
* @Description: 操作类型
* @author: jeecg-boot
* @date: 2022/3/31 10:05
public enum OperateTypeEnum {
* 列表
LIST(CommonConstant.OPERATE_TYPE_1, "list"),
* 新增
ADD(CommonConstant.OPERATE_TYPE_2, "add"),
* 编辑
EDIT(CommonConstant.OPERATE_TYPE_3, "edit"),
* 删除
DELETE(CommonConstant.OPERATE_TYPE_4, "delete"),
* 导入
IMPORT(CommonConstant.OPERATE_TYPE_5, "import"),
* 导出
EXPORT(CommonConstant.OPERATE_TYPE_6, "export");
* 类型 1列表,2新增,3编辑,4删除,5导入,6导出
int type;
* 编码(请求方式)
String code;
public int getType() {
return type;
public void setType(int type) {
this.type = type;
public String getCode() {
return code;
public void setCode(String code) {
this.code = code;
* 构造器
* @param type 类型
* @param code 编码(请求方式)
OperateTypeEnum(int type, String code) {
this.type = type;
this.code = code;
* 根据请求名称匹配
* @param methodName 请求名称
* @return Integer 类型
public static Integer getTypeByMethodName(String methodName) {
for (OperateTypeEnum e : OperateTypeEnum.values()) {
if (methodName.startsWith(e.getCode())) {
return e.getType();
return CommonConstant.OPERATE_TYPE_1;
package org.jeecg.common.constant.enums;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
import java.util.List;
* 首页自定义
* 通过角色编码与首页组件路径配置
* 枚举的顺序有权限高低权重作用(也就是配置多个角色,在前面的角色首页,会优先生效)
* @author: jeecg-boot
public enum RoleIndexConfigEnum {
/**首页自定义 admin*/
ADMIN("admin", "dashboard/Analysis"),
//TEST("test", "dashboard/IndexChart"),
/**首页自定义 hr*/
HR("hr", "dashboard/IndexBdc");
//DM("dm", "dashboard/IndexTask"),
* 角色编码
String roleCode;
* 路由index
String componentUrl;
* 构造器
* @param roleCode 角色编码
* @param componentUrl 首页组件路径(规则跟菜单配置一样)
RoleIndexConfigEnum(String roleCode, String componentUrl) {
this.roleCode = roleCode;
this.componentUrl = componentUrl;
* 根据code找枚举
* @param roleCode 角色编码
* @return
private static RoleIndexConfigEnum getEnumByCode(String roleCode) {
for (RoleIndexConfigEnum e : RoleIndexConfigEnum.values()) {
if (e.roleCode.equals(roleCode)) {
return e;
return null;
* 根据code找index
* @param roleCode 角色编码
* @return
private static String getIndexByCode(String roleCode) {
for (RoleIndexConfigEnum e : RoleIndexConfigEnum.values()) {
if (e.roleCode.equals(roleCode)) {
return e.componentUrl;
return null;
public static String getIndexByRoles(List<String> roles) {
String[] rolesArray = roles.toArray(new String[roles.size()]);
for (RoleIndexConfigEnum e : RoleIndexConfigEnum.values()) {
if (oConvertUtils.isIn(e.roleCode,rolesArray)){
return e.componentUrl;
return null;
public String getRoleCode() {
return roleCode;
public void setRoleCode(String roleCode) {
this.roleCode = roleCode;
public String getComponentUrl() {
return componentUrl;
public void setComponentUrl(String componentUrl) {
this.componentUrl = componentUrl;
package org.jeecg.common.desensitization.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
* 解密注解
* 在方法上定义 将方法返回对象中的敏感字段 解密,需要注意的是,如果没有加密过,解密会出问题,返回原字符串
public @interface SensitiveDecode {
* 指明需要脱敏的实体类class
* @return
Class entity() default Object.class;
package org.jeecg.common.desensitization.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
* 加密注解
* 在方法上声明 将方法返回对象中的敏感字段 加密/格式化
public @interface SensitiveEncode {
* 指明需要脱敏的实体类class
* @return
Class entity() default Object.class;
package org.jeecg.common.desensitization.annotation;
import org.jeecg.common.desensitization.enums.SensitiveEnum;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
* 在字段上定义 标识字段存储的信息是敏感的
public @interface SensitiveField {
* 不同类型处理不同
* @return
SensitiveEnum type() default SensitiveEnum.ENCODE;
package org.jeecg.common.desensitization.aspect;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.aspectj.lang.ProceedingJoinPoint;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Around;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect;
import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Pointcut;
import org.aspectj.lang.reflect.MethodSignature;
import org.jeecg.common.desensitization.annotation.SensitiveDecode;
import org.jeecg.common.desensitization.annotation.SensitiveEncode;
import org.jeecg.common.desensitization.util.SensitiveInfoUtil;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.List;
* 敏感数据切面处理类
* @Author taoYan
* @Date 2022/4/20 17:45
public class SensitiveDataAspect {
* 定义切点Pointcut
@Pointcut("@annotation(org.jeecg.common.desensitization.annotation.SensitiveEncode) || @annotation(org.jeecg.common.desensitization.annotation.SensitiveDecode)")
public void sensitivePointCut() {
public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint point) throws Throwable {
// 处理结果
Object result = point.proceed();
if(result == null){
return result;
Class resultClass = result.getClass();
log.debug(" resultClass = {}" , resultClass);
//是基本类型 直接返回 不需要处理
return result;
// 获取方法注解信息:是哪个实体、是加密还是解密
boolean isEncode = true;
Class entity = null;
MethodSignature methodSignature = (MethodSignature) point.getSignature();
Method method = methodSignature.getMethod();
SensitiveEncode encode = method.getAnnotation(SensitiveEncode.class);
SensitiveDecode decode = method.getAnnotation(SensitiveDecode.class);
entity = decode.entity();
isEncode = false;
entity = encode.entity();
long startTime=System.currentTimeMillis();
if(resultClass.equals(entity) || entity.equals(Object.class)){
// 方法返回实体和注解的entity一样,如果注解没有申明entity属性则认为是(方法返回实体和注解的entity一样)
SensitiveInfoUtil.handlerObject(result, isEncode);
} else if(result instanceof List){
// 方法返回List<实体>
SensitiveInfoUtil.handleList(result, entity, isEncode);
// 方法返回一个对象
SensitiveInfoUtil.handleNestedObject(result, entity, isEncode);
long endTime=System.currentTimeMillis(); ? "加密操作," : "解密操作,") + "Aspect程序耗时:" + (endTime - startTime) + "ms");
return result;
package org.jeecg.common.desensitization.enums;
* 敏感字段信息类型
public enum SensitiveEnum {
* 加密
* 中文名
* 身份证号
* 座机号
* 手机号
* 地址
* 电子邮件
* 银行卡
* 公司开户银行联号
* 用于创建 ElasticSearch 的 queryString
* @author sunjianlei
public class QueryStringBuilder {
StringBuilder builder;
public QueryStringBuilder(String field, String str, boolean not, boolean addQuot) {
builder = this.createBuilder(field, str, not, addQuot);
public QueryStringBuilder(String field, String str, boolean not) {
builder = this.createBuilder(field, str, not, true);
* 创建 StringBuilder
* @param field
* @param str
* @param not 是否是不匹配
* @param addQuot 是否添加双引号
* @return
public StringBuilder createBuilder(String field, String str, boolean not, boolean addQuot) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(field).append(":(");
if (not) {
sb.append(" NOT ");
this.addQuotEffect(sb, str, addQuot);
return sb;
public QueryStringBuilder and(String str) {
return this.and(str, true);
public QueryStringBuilder and(String str, boolean addQuot) {
builder.append(" AND ");
this.addQuot(str, addQuot);
return this;
public QueryStringBuilder or(String str) {
return this.or(str, true);
public QueryStringBuilder or(String str, boolean addQuot) {
builder.append(" OR ");
this.addQuot(str, addQuot);
return this;
public QueryStringBuilder not(String str) {
return this.not(str, true);
public QueryStringBuilder not(String str, boolean addQuot) {
builder.append(" NOT ");
this.addQuot(str, addQuot);
return this;
* 添加双引号(模糊查询,不能加双引号)
private QueryStringBuilder addQuot(String str, boolean addQuot) {
return this.addQuotEffect(this.builder, str, addQuot);
* 是否在两边加上双引号
* @param builder
* @param str
* @param addQuot
* @return
private QueryStringBuilder addQuotEffect(StringBuilder builder, String str, boolean addQuot) {
if (addQuot) {
if (addQuot) {
return this;
public String toString() {
return builder.append(")").toString();
package org.jeecg.common.exception;
* @Description: jeecg-boot自定义401异常
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class JeecgBoot401Exception extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public JeecgBoot401Exception(String message){
public JeecgBoot401Exception(Throwable cause)
public JeecgBoot401Exception(String message, Throwable cause)
package org.jeecg.common.exception;
* @Description: jeecg-boot自定义异常
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class JeecgBootException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public JeecgBootException(String message){
public JeecgBootException(Throwable cause)
public JeecgBootException(String message,Throwable cause)
package org.jeecg.common.exception;
import cn.hutool.core.util.ObjectUtil;
import org.apache.shiro.authz.AuthorizationException;
import org.apache.shiro.authz.UnauthorizedException;
import org.jeecg.common.api.vo.Result;
import org.jeecg.common.enums.SentinelErrorInfoEnum;
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException;
import org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseStatus;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestControllerAdvice;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MaxUploadSizeExceededException;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.NoHandlerFoundException;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
* 异常处理器
* @Author scott
* @Date 2019
public class JeecgBootExceptionHandler {
* 处理自定义异常
public Result<?> handleJeecgBootException(JeecgBootException e){
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return Result.error(e.getMessage());
* 处理自定义微服务异常
public Result<?> handleJeecgCloudException(JeecgCloudException e){
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return Result.error(e.getMessage());
* 处理自定义异常
public Result<?> handleJeecgBoot401Exception(JeecgBoot401Exception e){
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return new Result(401,e.getMessage());
public Result<?> handlerNoFoundException(Exception e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return Result.error(404, "路径不存在,请检查路径是否正确");
public Result<?> handleDuplicateKeyException(DuplicateKeyException e){
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return Result.error("数据库中已存在该记录");
@ExceptionHandler({UnauthorizedException.class, AuthorizationException.class})
public Result<?> handleAuthorizationException(AuthorizationException e){
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return Result.noauth("没有权限,请联系管理员授权");
public Result<?> handleException(Exception e){
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
//update-begin---author:zyf ---date:20220411 for:处理Sentinel限流自定义异常
Throwable throwable = e.getCause();
SentinelErrorInfoEnum errorInfoEnum = SentinelErrorInfoEnum.getErrorByException(throwable);
if (ObjectUtil.isNotEmpty(errorInfoEnum)) {
return Result.error(errorInfoEnum.getError());
//update-end---author:zyf ---date:20220411 for:处理Sentinel限流自定义异常
return Result.error("操作失败,"+e.getMessage());
* @Author 政辉
* @param e
* @return
public Result<?> httpRequestMethodNotSupportedException(HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException e){
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
String [] methods = e.getSupportedMethods();
for(String str:methods){
log.error(sb.toString(), e);
//return Result.error("没有权限,请联系管理员授权");
return Result.error(405,sb.toString());
* spring默认上传大小100MB 超出大小捕获异常MaxUploadSizeExceededException
public Result<?> handleMaxUploadSizeExceededException(MaxUploadSizeExceededException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return Result.error("文件大小超出10MB限制, 请压缩或降低文件质量! ");
public Result<?> handleDataIntegrityViolationException(DataIntegrityViolationException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
//【issues/3624】数据库执行异常handleDataIntegrityViolationException提示有误 #3624
return Result.error("执行数据库异常,违反了完整性例如:违反惟一约束、违反非空限制、字段内容超出长度等");
public Result<?> handlePoolException(PoolException e) {
log.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return Result.error("Redis 连接异常!");
package org.jeecg.common.handler;
* 填值规则接口
* @author Yan_东
* 如需使用填值规则功能,规则实现类必须实现此接口
public interface IFillRuleHandler {
* 填值规则
* @param params 页面配置固定参数
* @param formData 动态表单参数
* @return
public Object execute(JSONObject params, JSONObject formData);
package org.jeecg.common.system.annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.*;
* 将枚举类转化成字典数据
* @Author taoYan
* @Date 2022/7/8 10:34
public @interface EnumDict {
* 作为字典数据的唯一编码
String value() default "";
package org.jeecg.common.system.base.controller;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.conditions.query.QueryWrapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.metadata.IPage;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.plugins.pagination.Page;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils;
import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils;
import org.jeecg.common.api.vo.Result;
import org.jeecg.common.system.query.QueryGenerator;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.LoginUser;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.ExcelImportUtil;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.def.NormalExcelConstants;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.ExportParams;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.ImportParams;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.entity.enmus.ExcelType;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.view.JeecgEntityExcelView;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartHttpServletRequest;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.*;
* @Description: Controller基类
* @Author:
* @Date: 2019-4-21 8:13
* @Version: 1.0
public class JeecgController<T, S extends IService<T>> {
/**issues/2933 JeecgController注入service时改用protected修饰,能避免重复引用service*/
protected S service;
private String upLoadPath;
* 导出excel
* @param request
protected ModelAndView exportXls(HttpServletRequest request, T object, Class<T> clazz, String title) {
// Step.1 组装查询条件
QueryWrapper<T> queryWrapper = QueryGenerator.initQueryWrapper(object, request.getParameterMap());
LoginUser sysUser = (LoginUser) SecurityUtils.getSubject().getPrincipal();
// 过滤选中数据
String selections = request.getParameter("selections");
if (oConvertUtils.isNotEmpty(selections)) {
List<String> selectionList = Arrays.asList(selections.split(","));"id",selectionList);
// Step.2 获取导出数据
List<T> exportList = service.list(queryWrapper);
// Step.3 AutoPoi 导出Excel
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(new JeecgEntityExcelView());
//此处设置的filename无效 ,前端会重更新设置一下
mv.addObject(NormalExcelConstants.FILE_NAME, title);
mv.addObject(NormalExcelConstants.CLASS, clazz);
//update-begin--Author:liusq Date:20210126 for:图片导出报错,ImageBasePath未设置--------------------
ExportParams exportParams=new ExportParams(title + "报表", "导出人:" + sysUser.getRealname(), title);
//update-end--Author:liusq Date:20210126 for:图片导出报错,ImageBasePath未设置----------------------
mv.addObject(NormalExcelConstants.DATA_LIST, exportList);
return mv;
* 根据每页sheet数量导出多sheet
* @param request
* @param object 实体类
* @param clazz 实体类class
* @param title 标题
* @param exportFields 导出字段自定义
* @param pageNum 每个sheet的数据条数
* @param request
protected ModelAndView exportXlsSheet(HttpServletRequest request, T object, Class<T> clazz, String title,String exportFields,Integer pageNum) {
// Step.1 组装查询条件
QueryWrapper<T> queryWrapper = QueryGenerator.initQueryWrapper(object, request.getParameterMap());
LoginUser sysUser = (LoginUser) SecurityUtils.getSubject().getPrincipal();
// Step.2 计算分页sheet数据
double total = service.count();
int count = (int)Math.ceil(total/pageNum);
//update-begin-author:liusq---date:20220629--for: 多sheet导出根据选择导出写法调整 ---
// Step.3 过滤选中数据
String selections = request.getParameter("selections");
if (oConvertUtils.isNotEmpty(selections)) {
List<String> selectionList = Arrays.asList(selections.split(","));"id",selectionList);
//update-end-author:liusq---date:20220629--for: 多sheet导出根据选择导出写法调整 ---
// Step.4 多sheet处理
List<Map<String, Object>> listMap = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
for (int i = 1; i <=count ; i++) {
Page<T> page = new Page<T>(i, pageNum);
IPage<T> pageList =, queryWrapper);
List<T> exportList = pageList.getRecords();
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>(5);
ExportParams exportParams=new ExportParams(title + "报表", "导出人:" + sysUser.getRealname(), title+i,upLoadPath);
map.put(NormalExcelConstants.DATA_LIST, exportList);
// Step.4 AutoPoi 导出Excel
ModelAndView mv = new ModelAndView(new JeecgEntityExcelView());
//此处设置的filename无效 ,前端会重更新设置一下
mv.addObject(NormalExcelConstants.FILE_NAME, title);
mv.addObject(NormalExcelConstants.MAP_LIST, listMap);
return mv;
* 根据权限导出excel,传入导出字段参数
* @param request
protected ModelAndView exportXls(HttpServletRequest request, T object, Class<T> clazz, String title,String exportFields) {
ModelAndView mv = this.exportXls(request,object,clazz,title);
return mv;
* 获取对象ID
* @return
private String getId(T item) {
try {
return PropertyUtils.getProperty(item, "id").toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* 通过excel导入数据
* @param request
* @param response
* @return
protected Result<?> importExcel(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Class<T> clazz) {
MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request;
Map<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartRequest.getFileMap();
for (Map.Entry<String, MultipartFile> entity : fileMap.entrySet()) {
// 获取上传文件对象
MultipartFile file = entity.getValue();
ImportParams params = new ImportParams();
try {
List<T> list = ExcelImportUtil.importExcel(file.getInputStream(), clazz, params);
//update-begin-author:taoyan date:20190528 for:批量插入数据
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
//400条 saveBatch消耗时间1592毫秒 循环插入消耗时间1947毫秒
//1200条 saveBatch消耗时间3687毫秒 循环插入消耗时间5212毫秒"消耗时间" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "毫秒");
//update-end-author:taoyan date:20190528 for:批量插入数据
return Result.ok("文件导入成功!数据行数:" + list.size());
} catch (Exception e) {
//update-begin-author:taoyan date:20211124 for: 导入数据重复增加提示
String msg = e.getMessage();
log.error(msg, e);
if(msg!=null && msg.indexOf("Duplicate entry")>=0){
return Result.error("文件导入失败:有重复数据!");
return Result.error("文件导入失败:" + e.getMessage());
//update-end-author:taoyan date:20211124 for: 导入数据重复增加提示
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
return Result.error("文件导入失败!");
package org.jeecg.common.system.base.entity;
import org.jeecgframework.poi.excel.annotation.Excel;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.IdType;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.annotation.TableId;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* @Description: Entity基类
* @Author:
* @Date: 2019-4-28
* @Version: 1.1
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class JeecgEntity implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* ID
@TableId(type = IdType.ASSIGN_ID)
@ApiModelProperty(value = "ID")
private java.lang.String id;
* 创建人
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建人")
@Excel(name = "创建人", width = 15)
private java.lang.String createBy;
* 创建时间
@ApiModelProperty(value = "创建时间")
@Excel(name = "创建时间", width = 20, format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
@JsonFormat(timezone = "GMT+8", pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private java.util.Date createTime;
* 更新人
@ApiModelProperty(value = "更新人")
@Excel(name = "更新人", width = 15)
private java.lang.String updateBy;
* 更新时间
@ApiModelProperty(value = "更新时间")
@Excel(name = "更新时间", width = 20, format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
@JsonFormat(timezone = "GMT+8", pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
private java.util.Date updateTime;
package org.jeecg.common.system.base.service;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.IService;
* @Description: Service基类
* @Author:
* @Date: 2019-4-21 8:13
* @Version: 1.0
public interface JeecgService<T> extends IService<T> {
package org.jeecg.common.system.base.service.impl;
import org.jeecg.common.system.base.entity.JeecgEntity;
import org.jeecg.common.system.base.service.JeecgService;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.core.mapper.BaseMapper;
import com.baomidou.mybatisplus.extension.service.impl.ServiceImpl;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
* @Description: ServiceImpl基类
* @Author:
* @Date: 2019-4-21 8:13
* @Version: 1.0
public class JeecgServiceImpl<M extends BaseMapper<T>, T extends JeecgEntity> extends ServiceImpl<M, T> implements JeecgService<T> {
package org.jeecg.common.system.query;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
* 查询链接规则
* @Author Sunjianlei
public enum MatchTypeEnum {
/**查询链接规则 AND*/
/**查询链接规则 OR*/
private String value;
MatchTypeEnum(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public static MatchTypeEnum getByValue(Object value) {
if (oConvertUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
return null;
return getByValue(value.toString());
public static MatchTypeEnum getByValue(String value) {
if (oConvertUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
return null;
for (MatchTypeEnum val : values()) {
if (val.getValue().toLowerCase().equals(value.toLowerCase())) {
return val;
return null;
package org.jeecg.common.system.query;
* @Description: QueryCondition
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class QueryCondition implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4740166316629191651L;
private String field;
/** 组件的类型(例如:input、select、radio) */
private String type;
* 对应的数据库字段的类型
* 支持:int、bigDecimal、short、long、float、double、boolean
private String dbType;
private String rule;
private String val;
public String getField() {
return field;
public void setField(String field) {
this.field = field;
public String getType() {
return type;
public void setType(String type) {
this.type = type;
public String getDbType() {
return dbType;
public void setDbType(String dbType) {
this.dbType = dbType;
public String getRule() {
return rule;
public void setRule(String rule) {
this.rule = rule;
public String getVal() {
return val;
public void setVal(String val) {
this.val = val;
public String toString(){
StringBuffer sb =new StringBuffer();
if(field == null || "".equals(field)){
return "";
sb.append(this.field).append(" ").append(this.rule).append(" ").append(this.type).append(" ").append(this.dbType).append(" ").append(this.val);
return sb.toString();
package org.jeecg.common.system.query;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
* Query 规则 常量
* @Author Scott
* @Date 2019年02月14日
public enum QueryRuleEnum {
/**查询规则 大于*/
/**查询规则 大于等于*/
/**查询规则 小于*/
/**查询规则 小于等于*/
/**查询规则 等于*/
/**查询规则 不等于*/
/**查询规则 包含*/
/**查询规则 全模糊*/
/**查询规则 左模糊*/
/**查询规则 右模糊*/
/**查询规则 带加号等于*/
/**查询规则 多词模糊匹配*/
/**查询规则 自定义SQL片段*/
private String value;
private String condition;
private String msg;
QueryRuleEnum(String value, String condition, String msg){
this.value = value;
this.condition = condition;
this.msg = msg;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;
public String getMsg() {
return msg;
public void setMsg(String msg) {
this.msg = msg;
public String getCondition() {
return condition;
public void setCondition(String condition) {
this.condition = condition;
public static QueryRuleEnum getByValue(String value){
if(oConvertUtils.isEmpty(value)) {
return null;
for(QueryRuleEnum val :values()){
if (val.getValue().equals(value) || val.getCondition().equals(value)){
return val;
return null;
package org.jeecg.common.system.util;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.SysPermissionDataRuleModel;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.SysUserCacheInfo;
import org.jeecg.common.util.SpringContextUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* @ClassName: JeecgDataAutorUtils
* @Description: 数据权限查询规则容器工具类
* @Author: 张代浩
* @Date: 2012-12-15 下午11:27:39
public class JeecgDataAutorUtils {
public static final String SYS_USER_INFO = "SYS_USER_INFO";
* 往链接请求里面,传入数据查询条件
* @param request
* @param dataRules
public static synchronized void installDataSearchConditon(HttpServletRequest request, List<SysPermissionDataRuleModel> dataRules) {
// 1.先从request获取MENU_DATA_AUTHOR_RULES,如果存则获取到LIST
List<SysPermissionDataRuleModel> list = (List<SysPermissionDataRuleModel>)loadDataSearchConditon();
if (list==null) {
// 2.如果不存在,则new一个list
list = new ArrayList<SysPermissionDataRuleModel>();
for (SysPermissionDataRuleModel tsDataRule : dataRules) {
// 3.往list里面增量存指
request.setAttribute(MENU_DATA_AUTHOR_RULES, list);
* 获取请求对应的数据权限规则
* @return
public static synchronized List<SysPermissionDataRuleModel> loadDataSearchConditon() {
return (List<SysPermissionDataRuleModel>) SpringContextUtils.getHttpServletRequest().getAttribute(MENU_DATA_AUTHOR_RULES);
* 获取请求对应的数据权限SQL
* @return
public static synchronized String loadDataSearchConditonSqlString() {
return (String) SpringContextUtils.getHttpServletRequest().getAttribute(MENU_DATA_AUTHOR_RULE_SQL);
* 往链接请求里面,传入数据查询条件
* @param request
* @param sql
public static synchronized void installDataSearchConditon(HttpServletRequest request, String sql) {
String ruleSql = (String) loadDataSearchConditonSqlString();
if (!StringUtils.hasText(ruleSql)) {
* 将用户信息存到request
* @param request
* @param userinfo
public static synchronized void installUserInfo(HttpServletRequest request, SysUserCacheInfo userinfo) {
request.setAttribute(SYS_USER_INFO, userinfo);
* 将用户信息存到request
* @param userinfo
public static synchronized void installUserInfo(SysUserCacheInfo userinfo) {
SpringContextUtils.getHttpServletRequest().setAttribute(SYS_USER_INFO, userinfo);
* 从request获取用户信息
* @return
public static synchronized SysUserCacheInfo loadUserInfo() {
return (SysUserCacheInfo) SpringContextUtils.getHttpServletRequest().getAttribute(SYS_USER_INFO);
package org.jeecg.common.system.util;
import com.auth0.jwt.JWT;
import com.auth0.jwt.JWTVerifier;
import com.auth0.jwt.algorithms.Algorithm;
import com.auth0.jwt.exceptions.JWTDecodeException;
import com.auth0.jwt.interfaces.DecodedJWT;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.shiro.SecurityUtils;
import org.jeecg.common.api.vo.Result;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.CommonConstant;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.DataBaseConstant;
import org.jeecg.common.constant.SymbolConstant;
import org.jeecg.common.exception.JeecgBootException;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.LoginUser;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.SysUserCacheInfo;
import org.jeecg.common.util.DateUtils;
import org.jeecg.common.util.SpringContextUtils;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
* @Author Scott
* @Date 2018-07-12 14:23
* @Desc JWT工具类
public class JwtUtil {
public static final long EXPIRE_TIME = 60 * 60 * 1000;
static final String WELL_NUMBER = SymbolConstant.WELL_NUMBER + SymbolConstant.LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET;
* @param response
* @param code
* @param errorMsg
public static void responseError(ServletResponse response, Integer code, String errorMsg) {
HttpServletResponse httpServletResponse = (HttpServletResponse) response;
// issues/I4YH95浏览器显示乱码问题
httpServletResponse.setHeader("Content-type", "text/html;charset=UTF-8");
Result jsonResult = new Result(code, errorMsg);
OutputStream os = null;
try {
os = httpServletResponse.getOutputStream();
os.write(new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(jsonResult).getBytes("UTF-8"));
} catch (IOException e) {
* 校验token是否正确
* @param token 密钥
* @param secret 用户的密码
* @return 是否正确
public static boolean verify(String token, String username, String secret) {
try {
// 根据密码生成JWT效验器
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(secret);
JWTVerifier verifier = JWT.require(algorithm).withClaim("username", username).build();
// 效验TOKEN
DecodedJWT jwt = verifier.verify(token);
return true;
} catch (Exception exception) {
return false;
* 获得token中的信息无需secret解密也能获得
* @return token中包含的用户名
public static String getUsername(String token) {
try {
DecodedJWT jwt = JWT.decode(token);
return jwt.getClaim("username").asString();
} catch (JWTDecodeException e) {
return null;
* 生成签名,5min后过期
* @param username 用户名
* @param secret 用户的密码
* @return 加密的token
public static String sign(String username, String secret) {
Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + EXPIRE_TIME);
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(secret);
// 附带username信息
return JWT.create().withClaim("username", username).withExpiresAt(date).sign(algorithm);
* 根据request中的token获取用户账号
* @param request
* @return
* @throws JeecgBootException
public static String getUserNameByToken(HttpServletRequest request) throws JeecgBootException {
String accessToken = request.getHeader("X-Access-Token");
String username = getUsername(accessToken);
if (oConvertUtils.isEmpty(username)) {
throw new JeecgBootException("未获取到用户");
return username;
* 从session中获取变量
* @param key
* @return
public static String getSessionData(String key) {
//得到${} 后面的值
String moshi = "";
String wellNumber = WELL_NUMBER;
moshi = key.substring(key.indexOf("}")+1);
String returnValue = null;
if (key.contains(wellNumber)) {
key = key.substring(2,key.indexOf("}"));
if (oConvertUtils.isNotEmpty(key)) {
HttpSession session = SpringContextUtils.getHttpServletRequest().getSession();
returnValue = (String) session.getAttribute(key);
//结果加上${} 后面的值
if(returnValue!=null){returnValue = returnValue + moshi;}
return returnValue;
* 从当前用户中获取变量
* @param key
* @param user
* @return
public static String getUserSystemData(String key,SysUserCacheInfo user) {
if(user==null) {
user = JeecgDataAutorUtils.loadUserInfo();
// 获取登录用户信息
LoginUser sysUser = (LoginUser) SecurityUtils.getSubject().getPrincipal();
String moshi = "";
String wellNumber = WELL_NUMBER;
moshi = key.substring(key.indexOf("}")+1);
String returnValue = null;
if (key.contains(wellNumber)) {
key = key.substring(2,key.indexOf("}"));
} else {
key = key;
if (key.equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_USER_CODE)|| key.toLowerCase().equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_USER_CODE_TABLE)) {
if(user==null) {
returnValue = sysUser.getUsername();
}else {
returnValue = user.getSysUserCode();
else if (key.equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_USER_NAME)|| key.toLowerCase().equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_USER_NAME_TABLE)) {
if(user==null) {
returnValue = sysUser.getRealname();
}else {
returnValue = user.getSysUserName();
else if (key.equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_ORG_CODE)|| key.toLowerCase().equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_ORG_CODE_TABLE)) {
if(user==null) {
returnValue = sysUser.getOrgCode();
}else {
returnValue = user.getSysOrgCode();
else if (key.equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_MULTI_ORG_CODE)|| key.toLowerCase().equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_MULTI_ORG_CODE_TABLE)) {
//TODO 暂时使用用户登录部门,存在逻辑缺陷,不是用户所拥有的部门
returnValue = sysUser.getOrgCode();
if(user.isOneDepart()) {
returnValue = user.getSysMultiOrgCode().get(0);
}else {
returnValue = Joiner.on(",").join(user.getSysMultiOrgCode());
else if (key.equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_DATE)|| key.toLowerCase().equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_DATE_TABLE)) {
returnValue = DateUtils.formatDate();
else if (key.equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_TIME)|| key.toLowerCase().equals(DataBaseConstant.SYS_TIME_TABLE)) {
returnValue =;
else if (key.equals(DataBaseConstant.BPM_STATUS)|| key.toLowerCase().equals(DataBaseConstant.BPM_STATUS_TABLE)) {
returnValue = "1";
//update-begin-author:taoyan date:20210330 for:多租户ID作为系统变量
else if (key.equals(DataBaseConstant.TENANT_ID) || key.toLowerCase().equals(DataBaseConstant.TENANT_ID_TABLE)){
returnValue = sysUser.getRelTenantIds();
boolean flag = returnValue != null && returnValue.indexOf(SymbolConstant.COMMA) > 0;
if(oConvertUtils.isEmpty(returnValue) || flag){
returnValue = SpringContextUtils.getHttpServletRequest().getHeader(CommonConstant.TENANT_ID);
//update-end-author:taoyan date:20210330 for:多租户ID作为系统变量
if(returnValue!=null){returnValue = returnValue + moshi;}
return returnValue;
// public static void main(String[] args) {
// String token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1NjUzMzY1MTMsInVzZXJuYW1lIjoiYWRtaW4ifQ.xjhud_tWCNYBOg_aRlMgOdlZoWFFKB_givNElHNw3X0";
// System.out.println(JwtUtil.getUsername(token));
// }
package org.jeecg.common.system.util;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.jeecg.common.system.annotation.EnumDict;
import org.jeecg.common.system.vo.DictModel;
import org.jeecg.common.util.oConvertUtils;
import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.CachingMetadataReaderFactory;
import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.MetadataReader;
import org.springframework.core.type.classreading.MetadataReaderFactory;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
* 资源加载工具类
* @Author taoYan
* @Date 2022/7/8 10:40
public class ResourceUtil {
* 枚举字典数据
private final static Map<String, List<DictModel>> enumDictData = new HashMap<>(5);
* 所有java类
private final static String CLASS_PATTERN="/**/*.class";
* 所有枚举java类
private final static String CLASS_ENMU_PATTERN="/**/*Enum.class";
* 包路径 org.jeecg
private final static String BASE_PACKAGE = "org.jeecg";
* 枚举类中获取字典数据的方法名
private final static String METHOD_NAME = "getDictList";
* 获取枚举类对应的字典数据 SysDictServiceImpl#queryAllDictItems()
* @return
public static Map<String, List<DictModel>> getEnumDictData(){
return enumDictData;
ResourcePatternResolver resourcePatternResolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();
String pattern = ResourcePatternResolver.CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX + ClassUtils.convertClassNameToResourcePath(BASE_PACKAGE) + CLASS_ENMU_PATTERN;
try {
Resource[] resources = resourcePatternResolver.getResources(pattern);
MetadataReaderFactory readerFactory = new CachingMetadataReaderFactory(resourcePatternResolver);
for (Resource resource : resources) {
MetadataReader reader = readerFactory.getMetadataReader(resource);
String classname = reader.getClassMetadata().getClassName();
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(classname);
EnumDict enumDict = clazz.getAnnotation(EnumDict.class);
if (enumDict != null) {
EnumDict annotation = clazz.getAnnotation(EnumDict.class);
String key = annotation.value();
List<DictModel> list = (List<DictModel>) clazz.getDeclaredMethod(METHOD_NAME).invoke(null);
enumDictData.put(key, list);
}catch (Exception e){
log.error("获取枚举类字典数据异常", e.getMessage());
// e.printStackTrace();
return enumDictData;
* 用于后端字典翻译 SysDictServiceImpl#queryManyDictByKeys(java.util.List, java.util.List)
* @param dictCodeList
* @param keys
* @return
public static Map<String, List<DictModel>> queryManyDictByKeys(List<String> dictCodeList, List<String> keys){
Map<String, List<DictModel>> map = new HashMap<>();
for (String code : enumDictData.keySet()) {
List<DictModel> dictItemList = enumDictData.get(code);
for(DictModel dm: dictItemList){
String value = dm.getValue();
List<DictModel> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add(new DictModel(value, dm.getText()));
return map;
package org.jeecg.common.system.vo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* @Description: 文档管理
* @author: jeecg-boot
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
@Accessors(chain = true)
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class ComboModel implements Serializable {
private String id;
private String title;
/**文档管理 表单table默认选中*/
private boolean checked;
/**文档管理 表单table 用户账号*/
private String username;
/**文档管理 表单table 用户邮箱*/
private String email;
/**文档管理 表单table 角色编码*/
private String roleCode;
public ComboModel(){
public ComboModel(String id,String title,boolean checked,String username){ = id;
this.title = title;
this.checked = false;
this.username = username;
package org.jeecg.common.system.vo;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* @Description: 字典类
* @author: jeecg-boot
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
@Accessors(chain = true)
@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
public class DictModel implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public DictModel() {
public DictModel(String value, String text) {
this.value = value;
this.text = text;
* 字典value
private String value;
* 字典文本
private String text;
* 特殊用途: JgEditableTable
* @return
public String getTitle() {
return this.text;
* 特殊用途: vue3 Select组件
public String getLabel() {
return this.text;
package org.jeecg.common.system.vo;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
* 查询多个字典时用到
* @author: jeecg-boot
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = true)
public class DictModelMany extends DictModel {
* 字典code,根据多个字段code查询时才用到,用于区分不同的字典选项
private String dictCode;
package org.jeecg.common.system.vo;
import lombok.Data;
* 字典查询参数实体
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class DictQuery {
* 表名
private String table;
* 存储列
private String code;
* 显示列
private String text;
* 关键字查询
private String keyword;
* 存储列的值 用于回显查询
private String codeValue;
package org.jeecg.common.system.vo;
import lombok.Data;
import org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils;
* @Description: 数据源
* @author: jeecg-boot
public class DynamicDataSourceModel {
public DynamicDataSourceModel() {
public DynamicDataSourceModel(Object dbSource) {
if (dbSource != null) {
BeanUtils.copyProperties(dbSource, this);
* id
private java.lang.String id;
* 数据源编码
private java.lang.String code;
* 数据库类型
private java.lang.String dbType;
* 驱动类
private java.lang.String dbDriver;
* 数据源地址
private java.lang.String dbUrl;
// /**
// * 数据库名称
// */
// private java.lang.String dbName;
* 用户名
private java.lang.String dbUsername;
* 密码
private java.lang.String dbPassword;
\ No newline at end of file
package org.jeecg.common.system.vo;
import java.util.Date;
import org.jeecg.common.desensitization.annotation.SensitiveField;
import org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonFormat;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.EqualsAndHashCode;
import lombok.experimental.Accessors;
* <p>
* 在线用户信息
* </p>
* @Author scott
* @since 2018-12-20
@EqualsAndHashCode(callSuper = false)
@Accessors(chain = true)
public class LoginUser {
* 登录人id
private String id;
* 登录人账号
private String username;
* 登录人名字
private String realname;
* 登录人密码
private String password;
* 当前登录部门code
private String orgCode;
* 头像
private String avatar;
* 生日
@JsonFormat(timezone = "GMT+8", pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date birthday;
* 性别(1:男 2:女)
private Integer sex;
* 电子邮件
private String email;
* 电话
private String phone;
* 状态(1:正常 2:冻结 )
private Integer status;
private Integer delFlag;
* 同步工作流引擎1同步0不同步
private Integer activitiSync;
* 创建时间
private Date createTime;
* 身份(1 普通员工 2 上级)
private Integer userIdentity;
* 管理部门ids
private String departIds;
* 职务,关联职务表
private String post;
* 座机号
private String telephone;
private String relTenantIds;
/**设备id uniapp推送用*/
private String clientId;
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