Commit 7be4f296 by wong.peiyi


parent 64be6ad5
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ class ChooseProductPage extends Component {
if (isNotBlank(value)) {
const reg = new RegExp(value, 'g')
list = R.filter(item => {
return reg.test(item[filter.field])
return R.test(reg, item[filter.field])
}, list)
......@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ class ChooseProductPage extends Component {
const {searchValue} = this.state
const includes = item => {
const reg = new RegExp(searchValue, 'g')
return reg.test(item.general_name) || reg.test(item.item_name)
return R.test(reg, item.general_name) || R.test(reg, item.item_name)
return R.filter(includes, list)
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