Commit acf2bce2 by Denglingling


parent dd130d86
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ export const requestSubTransOrganizations = async (global_domain_config, params)
return await GetRequest(global_domain_config, getUrlParams('/authorized_inventory/search', params))
// 子页-获取来源借货订单号 parmas={access_token: '', org_code: '', seller_code: '', customer_code: '', collect_header_status: 'RETURNED,COLLECTED' / 'COLLECTING_WAITING_CONFIRM,CONFIRM_COLLECT,COLLECTED_WAITING_CONFIRMED,APPROVED,COLLECTED'}
// 子页-获取来源借货订单号 parmas={access_token: '', org_code: '', seller_code: '', customer_code: '', collect_header_status: 'COLLECTING_WAITING_CONFIRM,CONFIRM_COLLECT,COLLECTED_WAITING_CONFIRMED,APPROVED,COLLECTED'}
export const requestSubSourBorOrdNum = async (global_domain_config, params) => {
return await GetRequest(global_domain_config, getUrlParams('/surgery/collect_order/search', params))
......@@ -112,6 +112,16 @@ class ConsumDetailsPage extends Component {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
let { barCodeData } = nextProps.navigation.state.params
let that = this
if(barCodeData && barCodeData.typeValue && barCodeData.typeName == 'consum_search_value') {
// 获取当前订单的消耗明细
async getCurOrderDetail() {
let {orderId} = this.props.navigation.state.params
......@@ -184,6 +194,17 @@ class ConsumDetailsPage extends Component {
// 搜索 扫一扫
handleConsumScanCheck() {
this.props.navigation.navigate('BarCodePage', {
typeName: 'consum_search_value',
supPage: {
title: '器械消耗 - 添加明细',
pageName: 'ConsumDetailsPage'
// 修改加载中
changeLodingFlag(show) {
......@@ -291,6 +312,13 @@ class ConsumDetailsPage extends Component {
<View style={list_common_item.ser_img_box}>
<Image source={require('../../../images/search_icon.png')} style={icon_style}/>
onPress={() => this.handleConsumScanCheck()}
<Image source={require('../../../images/scan_2.png')} style={icon_style} />
......@@ -466,6 +494,13 @@ const styles = StyleSheet.create({
loding_back: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)'
ser_scanit_box: {
position: 'absolute',
right: 24,
top: 20,
width: pxSize(22),
height: pxSize(22),
......@@ -766,30 +766,27 @@ class TransOrderPage extends Component {
handleConsumDetailCheck() {
let { listOptionData } = this.state
// if(this.judgeOrgIsNull() && this.judgeCustomerIsNull()
// && this.judgeOrderInfoIsNull()) {
// this.props.navigation.navigate('TransSearchPage', {
// title: '耗材明细 - 转单查询',
// org_code: listOptionData[1].value
// })
// }
let subTransObj = {
seller_name: listOptionData[0].name,
org_code: listOptionData[1].value,
customer_code: listOptionData[2].value,
collect_number: listOptionData[3].value
if(!listOptionData[6].subOption.length) {
this.props.setTransDetailOption([], {})
// 测试
this.props.navigation.navigate('TransSearchPage', {
title: '耗材明细 - 转单查询',
// if(this.judgeOrgIsNull() && this.judgeCustomerIsNull()
// && this.judgeOrderInfoIsNull()) {
// this.props.navigation.navigate('TransSearchPage', {
// title: '耗材明细 - 转单查询',
// subTransObj
// })
// }
// 添加图片 点击
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